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Male Perspectives on The Value of Women at Work is an exploration of the value women bring to the world of work - from the variety of perspectives of a rich diversity of men who highlight some of the things that women uniquely bring to the workplace. They also highlight challenges that impede women’s ability to realise their full potential – both at individual and systemic levels.


Official launched on the 3rd of June with a conversation between the author, Susan Popoola and Antonia Maclean, Business Consultant and Vistage Group Chair, chaired by Dr. Julie Mills OBE, Principal and Chief Executive of Milton Keynes College, providing an opportunity to celebrate the publication of the book and gain insights into the process of writing the book, its objectives and the impact Susan would like the book to have.  Listen to the conversation here:



Click here to buy an Autographed Copy of the Value of Women at Work within the UK

or order from Amazon, Waterstones, Barnes & Noble or any bookshop worldwide.


This book is a brave, insightful and at times an uncomfortable read in collecting together 30 narratives from men invited, as advocates of women, to articulate their own personal accounts of the value women bring to work and strategies for progress. Curated with a light structure, these individual conversations ebb and flow in a way that gives the reader a rare glimpse across so many voices; it is nuanced and hopeful. The book is not for those that want a top tips list or 4-box matrix model, it instead invites the reader to experience the novelty of a curated research journey. Popoola (2021) defends her single-gendered approach “if we want men to fully understand the challenges women face so they are able to more effectively provide input and support, we need to find ways of including them in the dialogue more”, and she suggests “reading with an open mind”. I have found this book informative in the context of wider reading and it has a place in the spirit of wanting to learn more and I attach below my recent favourite reads on this subject. (Cont’d)


Lisa Peach, FCIPD, FHEA, Group Head of OD & Leadership. Royal Free London, NHS Foundation Trust




Buy the Book in order to explore the themes in more detail and see how they affect you and those around you.

Once you’ve read it, please write a review and recommend the book to others.


For Board Members, Chief Executives &  Senior Executives with an interest or concerns about the subject:

  • Get in touch to arrange a series of 1:1 Leadership Exploratory Discussions on the book with me

  • In addition, speak to me about Group Exploratory Discussions within your organisation, membership organisation or group around some of the key themes such as:

  • The Unique Value Women Bring

  • What Women Can Do (Differently)?

  • Men – Interacting with & Supporting Women

  • A Fair & Productive Post-Covid Workplace

  • Organisation Systems, Culture & Structures

  • Wider Structures in Family, Education and Wider Society


Join a Leadership Roundtable Conversation

Starting with 3 exclusive Leadership Roundtable Conversations on the book subject for a cross-section of professionals:


Monday, 12th September - What Women Can Do (Differently)

Monday, 19th September - The Role of Organisation Culture

Monday, 26th September - How Can Men Better interact with & Support Women


Monday, 7th November    - What Women Can Do (Differently)

Monday, 14th November  - The Role of Organisation Culture

Monday, 21st November  - How Can Men Better interact with & Support Women


The roundtable conversations are currently being run based on voluntary contributions for leaders who may want to run initiatives internally and/or bring about changes in their organisations to share experiences and learning with leaders from a cross-section of organisations and gain insights into the processes I follow for Conversations.


Get in touch if you are interested in participating or would like us to run one privately for you.

© 2022 by Mosaic World Live

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